If your child is ill or has a contagious disease, please do not bring him/her to the Center. We would like you as parents, to play it safe with your children for the safety of the rest of the school children and staff. Please notify us the first day of your child’s absence and each day thereafter. Any illnesses lasting longer than one week will require a physician’s slip in order to insure your child’s place in the classroom. If your child becomes ill while at the Center we will keep him/her isolated in the Director’s office until you pick him/her up. We require that you pick up your child within one hour of being notified that your child is ill. Also, if your child is not well enough to keep up with school activities, he/she must stay home. If we find that he/she is not able to keep up, not eating, drinking and is tired and sleepy, you will be called to pick up your child.
If your child is sent home with a fever or develops a fever at home, we require that the child be fever free for 24 hours before returning to the Center. Please keep in mind that children are not allowed in school after 12:00 noon. Do not give your child a fever reducer and send him/her to school because the medication will make them sleepy and we will call you to pick him/her up.
Medication is allowed as long as the prescription number and the doctor’s name is on the original bottle/box that the medicine is in. Instructions on how much to give should be on the label as well. Parents will have to fill out The Little Mud Puddles Learning Center form giving us permission to give medicine to their child. We do not give fever reducers to children. If your child is running a fever they must return home and cannot return for 24 hours.
Scratches, scrapes and cuts are typical of little children. Therefore, the Center is equipped with a first aid kit, which will be used as necessary on the children’s injuries. If an injury is more serious, either parent will be notified immediately. If necessary, we will contact 911. This is the reason why it is imperative you keep your child’s emergency information current for the safety of the child.
We believe that a good balanced diet is very important to a child’s physical and behavioral development. We encourage good eating habits and as part of the program a balanced lunch is served daily. We do not allow candy at the Center. Children sometimes find candy hard to chew and may swallow it and possibly choke.
As part of our program, a supplemental breakfast, lunch and two snacks are provided daily to the children. A menu will be provided for you at the beginning of each month. If your child requires a special diet, you will need to provide the food upon obtaining permission from the Director.
If your child brings outside food into the Center while arriving in the morning, you must stay with him/her until the food is finished to prevent other children from eating food that may give them a severe food allergy to.